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Full view of the Edenvale burglary

21. 12. 2019 | Others


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RedBull | 21.12.2019 19:40 | Like 2 | Unlike 0

With the high rate of crime in South Africa, they should consider chopping off hands like China, truly that will deter anyone from stealing and crime levels will plummet.

Neo | 21.12.2019 19:45 | Like 0 | Unlike 0

Only 3min they were able to do all that,, imaging what they will achieve being that serious and fast, 3hrs a day for a job. As usual Security always come after the show.

G_fawkes | 21.12.2019 19:49 | Like 0 | Unlike 0

I was hoping the owner would come sliding up in a 4x4. Right across the gate with guns blazing. So these rats had nowhere to go.