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it truly fascinates me that in areas that regularly get this kind of weather people don't know how to drive in it or more importantly when not to drive in it.
Not a single set of snow tires do I see, whether they're braking or not. all those tires are either summer or low priced so called "all season" which doesn't do a thing for ice road idiot driving.
it truly fascinates me that in areas that regularly get this kind of weather people don't know how to drive in it or more importantly when not to drive in it.
Wow...the speed and the tailgating is this type of weather is amazing..People are completely stupid
Not a single set of snow tires do I see, whether they're braking or not. all those tires are either summer or low priced so called "all season" which doesn't do a thing for ice road idiot driving.
Those people should have just stayed home.
I credit the mandatory drivers ed class i had to pass in order to graduate high school, for not being one of these morons.